Check? Warning! Failure! messages and their explanation

Message: Cannot find the file '....'

In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or Windows Environment variables, check that COMSPEC= points to the correct location of

If so, please create the specified folder and copy into it.

You can find by using Find Files from the Start menu.


Check (1)? Element not specified in Labels=: facet: ___ element: ___ in line ___ - see Table 2. Delements = N

an observation has been matched to Model= statements, but then ignored because an element does not match a Labels= element. The element is listed Table 2 in the Output= file. Check for element numbers not listedafter Labels= or miscoded in the Data= file. Delements= specifies whether element numbers or element labels or both are expected in the data file.


Example: Element not specified in Labels=: facet: 1 element :13 in line 2594 - see Table 2. Delements = N
In the data, line 2594, facet 1 has element number 13.
In the Labels= list, under facet 1, there is no element 13. So the data is treated as unspecified. This element is shown in Table 2.
If you want to analyze it, add 13 to the element list for facet 1. Also any other similar elements.
Facets only reports the first unspecified element found, so Facets may report another element as unspecified after you account for element 13.


Example: R5 11001106        1        1-3        4        3        4
Check (1)? Element not specified in Labels=: facet: 1 element: (unknown) in line 168 - see Table 2. Delements = N
In this line, blanks and tabs have both been used as separators. Use either blanks or tabs.


Check (2)? Invalid datum location: "___" at or near line: ___. Datum "_" is too big or non-numeric, treated as missing.
An observation has been treated as a missing response because it does not comply with the matching Model= statement. If the datum is meaningful, change the Model= statement, or recode the datum with a Rating (or partial credit) scale= specification. To avoid reporting missing-data codes, add them to Missing data codes=


Warning (1)! Estimate out of range! Facet ___ Element: ___
The current estimate of this element has exceeded the range of the mathematical routines. You may have elements with many responses, but almost extreme scores. You may have categories with very few responses. Contact us for assistance.


Warning (2)! Subset checking bypassed.
Specify "Subsets=Y" to verify that the data are connected, so that measures are in one frame of reference.


Warning (3)! This is NOT referenced by a Model= specification
Rating (or partial credit) scale= specifies a rating scale (or partial credit) that is not referenced in a Models=statement.


Warning (4)! More than 32000 rating scales (or partial credit items) specified. Observation bypassed.
The computational capacity of Facets has been exceeded, probably by using a "#" model for a facet with more than 32,000 elements.


Warning (5)! Subset connection not verified.
Facets did not run for enough iterations to check for subset connection. Specify "Subsets=Y" and "Iter=".


Warning (6)! There may be ___ disjoint subsets
See the explanation of connectedness. You need to redefine your facets, collect more data, or anchor some elements or groups.


Warning (7)! Over-constrained? Noncenter= not in effect.
There is no non-centered facet. The estimates may not converge. There may be column labeled "Displacement" in Table 7. This can occur when:
1) No non-centered facet is specified, e.g., Noncenter=0
2) The non-centered facet is not modeled, e.g.,
Models=?,,?,D; Facet 2 is not modeled
3) The non-centered facet is anchored, e.g.,
2,Agents,A; Facets 2 is anchored or with ,D or ,G
1=Item 1,-2.3; Element 1 anchored at -2.3


Warning (8)! Under-constrained? Noncenter= for two or more facets
There may be ambiguity in the measures due to the facets moving relative to each other. Stability of measurement requires no more than one facet to be unconstrained for each data element. This problem often shows up in summary measures, such as by demographics. Only Noncenter= one demographic characteristic in each analysis.


Warning (9)! Screen area is too small. Use Control Panel to adjust your Display.
The bit-mapped graphics need high screen resolution. Please go to Control Panel - Display - Settings -Screen Area. And slide pointer to the right. 1024x768 or bigger are recommended.


Warning (10)! No elements specified for facet ___
A facet is defined in Labels= but immediately followed by *, another specification or end-of-file. Did you intend to define elements for the facet?


Warning (11)! Plotted interactions pruned to first 250 per Excel plot
An Excel file written by Facets would contain too many columns. It has been pruned to a valid number for most versions of Excel.


Warning (12)! Duplicate ratingscale= ____
Two rating scale= specifications define the same rating-scale name.


Warning (13)! Measure values specified for elements in group-anchored facet ___ without a group number
You may have omitted the group number after the measure value. Without a group number, the measure will be treated as a starting value.


Warning (14)! Estimation diverged
Facets was unable to obtain estimates for which the observed score = expected score. This may be because Noncenter= is not active or the estimates are anchored.


Warning (15)! Duplicate element labels ignored for element matching: facet _  (label)
Facets is trying to match an element identifier in the data with the element labels and has discovered that two elements in a facet have the same label or the same label abbreviation before :


Warning (16)! Null element (Null=)  is specified in Labels= for facet _ (facet number)
If the Null= element is an active element in this facet, please specify a different element as the Null= element.


Warning (17)! _ in "Delements=X" ignored, not N or L
Delements= specifies whether element identifiers in the data are element numbers N, element labels L, or both NL LN


Warning (18)! _ excess responses ignored
There are too many responses in the data line. Extra responses are not processed.


Warning (19)! at or near line ... * or number = value expected
The list of elements in Labels= is expected to contain "facet number=facet label", then "element number = element label", then * at the end of the list for each facet. Something may be missing.


Warning (20!) No labels found after Labels=
A list of labels will be output in Table 2 for placement after Labels=
Facets builds a list to match the data file. Paste it into you specification file.


Warning (21)! observation weighted ... and is ignored

If zero weighting is not deliberate, please check for extra commas in Models= and Labels= or R0 in the data.


Warning: Active Excel columns to right of responses
Please look at your Excel worksheet. There are non-blank columns in it on the right-hand-side of the columns of Facets data. If those columns are intentional, then please ignore the warning message. If those columns should not be there, then please delete those columns. If there are no non-blank columns, then please check that the Facets specifications are correct.


Failure (___)! _____________. Contact
Internal program failure. Please email this information to along with your control and data files. These failures are rare, and we wish to remedy them immediately. You will be emailed how to download a corrected version of Facets.

Help for Facets (64-bit) Rasch Measurement and Rasch Analysis Software: Author: John Michael Linacre.

Facets Rasch measurement software. Buy for $149. & site licenses. Freeware student/evaluation Minifac download
Winsteps Rasch measurement software. Buy for $149. & site licenses. Freeware student/evaluation Ministep download

Rasch Books and Publications
Invariant Measurement: Using Rasch Models in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 2nd Edn, 2024 George Engelhard, Jr. & Jue Wang Applying the Rasch Model (Winsteps, Facets) 4th Ed., Bond, Yan, Heene Advances in Rasch Analyses in the Human Sciences (Winsteps, Facets) 1st Ed., Boone, Staver Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education, X. Liu & W. J. Boone Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences (Winsteps) Boone, Staver, Yale
Introduction to Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (Facets), Thomas Eckes Statistical Analyses for Language Testers (Facets), Rita Green Invariant Measurement with Raters and Rating Scales: Rasch Models for Rater-Mediated Assessments (Facets), George Engelhard, Jr. & Stefanie Wind Aplicação do Modelo de Rasch (Português), de Bond, Trevor G., Fox, Christine M Appliquer le modèle de Rasch: Défis et pistes de solution (Winsteps) E. Dionne, S. Béland
Exploring Rating Scale Functioning for Survey Research (R, Facets), Stefanie Wind Rasch Measurement: Applications, Khine Winsteps Tutorials - free
Facets Tutorials - free
Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (Facets) - free, J.M. Linacre Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (Winsteps, Facets), McNamara, Knoch, Fan
Other Rasch-Related Resources: Rasch Measurement YouTube Channel
Rasch Measurement Transactions & Rasch Measurement research papers - free An Introduction to the Rasch Model with Examples in R (eRm, etc.), Debelak, Strobl, Zeigenfuse Rasch Measurement Theory Analysis in R, Wind, Hua Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences Using R, Lamprianou El modelo métrico de Rasch: Fundamentación, implementación e interpretación de la medida en ciencias sociales (Spanish Edition), Manuel González-Montesinos M.
Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications, Fischer & Molenaar Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests, Georg Rasch Rasch Models for Measurement, David Andrich Constructing Measures, Mark Wilson Best Test Design - free, Wright & Stone
Rating Scale Analysis - free, Wright & Masters
Virtual Standard Setting: Setting Cut Scores, Charalambos Kollias Diseño de Mejores Pruebas - free, Spanish Best Test Design A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory, Andrich, Marais Rasch Models in Health, Christensen, Kreiner, Mesba Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models, von Davier, Carstensen
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Coming Rasch-related Events
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),
Feb. - June, 2025 On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia
Feb. - June, 2025 On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO,
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets),
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),


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