No non-extreme persons/items: Guttman deterministic patterns and splits |
See also Guttman Scalogram and Guttman Coefficient of Reproducibility.
Winsteps reports: "No non-extreme persons/items"
Guttman pattern: Psychometrician Louis Guttman (1916-1987) perceived the ideal test to be one in which a person succeeds on all the items up to a certain difficulty, and then fails on all the items above that difficulty. When persons and items are ordered by raw score, this produces a data set with a "Guttman pattern". This is data is not analyzable in the usual way by Rasch analysis, because each person or item in turn becomes an extreme score.
Deterministic (Guttman) data contain only information about the ordering of the persons and items. Guttman data do not contain information about the relative spacing between the items or the persons. We need randomness in the data. Then the closer together the items the more disorder (Guttman reversals) there are in the data. To analyze these data with Rasch, we need to introduce some pseudo-randomness into the data. When reporting, omit dummy persons/items using IDELETE= or PDELETE= from the Specification menu,
Here is a Guttman deterministic pattern with dichotomous data:
Easy->Hard items (columns)
111111 Most able person (rows)
000000 Least able person
1) It is sometimes useful to make this type of data estimable by adding a dummy reversed-Guttman item and person.
Easy->Hard items (columns)
1111110 Most able person (rows)
0000000 Least able person
0000001 < Dummy person record
^ Dummy item record
or 2) by anchoring the most extreme items (or persons) a conveniently long distance apart, e.g., 10 logits:
1 10 ; anchor the first (highest score) person at 10 logits
6 0 ; anchor the last (lowest score) person at 0 logits
111111 Most able person (rows)
000000 Least able person
or 3) by adding two dummy data records: 0101... and 1010...
Easy->Hard items (columns)
111111 Most able person (rows)
000000 Least able person
101010 Dummy person
010101 Dummy person
Guttman split: a more subtle Guttman effect splits the data into high and low subsets:
Easy->Hard items (columns)
1111101 Most able person (rows)
------- Guttman split
1000000 Least able person
There is no item for which there is success in the lower half, but failure in the upper half of this dataset. The remedies are the same as above.
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