Extended Rater Representations (Elliott & Buttery, 2022) |
Elliott & Buttery (2022) propose Extended rater representations. These are implemented in Elliott's Python-based RaschPy software.
According to Section 6.2.1 of the RaschPy manual, there are 4 extended rater representations: Global, Item, Thresholds and Matrix. These can be implemented in several ways using Facets. Here are suggestions:
1.Global: raters, items, and ratees have constant measures. All share the same Andrich rating scale.
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - rater severity - item difficulty - Andrich rating scale -> observed rating
Facets specification:
Model = ?, ?, ?, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters, facet 3 = items
Example: Creativity - Guilford.txt
2.Item: each rater has a different severity for each item. Items and ratees have constant measures. All share the same Andrich rating scale.
2a. Reporting rater-item interactions without altering the "1. Global" measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall item difficulty - overall rater severity - Andrich rating scale -> observed rating
Bias-interactions: (rater severity for the item)
Global model reporting bias-interactions:
Facets specification:
Model = ?, ?B, ?B, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters, facet 3 = items
Example: Creativity - Guilford.txt with Model = ?, ?B, ?B, R
2b. Rater-item interactions alter measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty- (rater severity for the item) - Andrich rating scale -> observed rating
Facets specification:
Model = ?, ?, ?, ?, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters (anchored at 0), facet 3 = items, facet 4 = rater+item (group-anchoring items at 0)
Example: Guilford-extended-rater.txt
3.Thresholds: each rater has a different set of Andrich rating scale thresholds (= Partial Credit Model for raters). Items and ratees have constant measures.
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty - (PCM thresholds by raters) -> observed rating
Facets specification:
Model = ?, #, ?, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters, facet 3 = items
Example: Creativity - Guilford.txt with Models= #,?,?,R9 ; judges, examinees, items
4.Matrix (Marginal=True): each rater+item has a different severity for each item and each rater has a set of Andrich rating scale thresholds (= Partial Credit Model for raters). Items and ratees have constant measures
4a. Reporting rater-item interactions without altering the "3. Threshold" measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty - (PCM thresholds for each rater) -> observed rating
Bias-interactions: (rater severity for the item)
Facets specification:
Model = ?, ?#B, ?B, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters, facet 3 = items
Example: Creativity - Guilford.txt with Model = ?, #B, ?B, R
4b. Rater-item interactions alter measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty - (rater severity for the item) - (PCM thresholds for each rater) -> observed rating
Facets specification:
Model = ?,#, ?,?, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters (anchored at 0, PCM), facet 3 = items, facet 4 = rater+item (group anchoring items at 0)
Example: Guilford-extended-rater.txt with Model = ?, #, ?,?, R
5.Matrix (Marginal=False): each rater+item has a different severity for each item and each rater+item combination has a set of Andrich rating scale thresholds (= Partial Credit Model for raters+items). Items and ratees have constant measures
4a. Reporting rater-item interactions without altering the "3. Threshold" measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty - (PCM thresholds for each rater+item) -> observed rating
Bias-interactions: (rater severity for the item)
Facets specification:
Model = ?,#B, #B, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters, facet 3 = items
Example: Creativity - Guilford.txt with Model = ?, #B, ?B, R
4b. Rater-item interactions alter measures:
The MFRM measurement model:
ratee ability - overall rater severity - overall item difficulty - (rater severity for the item) - (PCM thresholds for each rater+item) -> observed rating
Facets specification:
Model = ?,?, ?,#, R
where facet 1 = ratees, facet 2 = raters (anchored at 0), facet 3 = items, facet 4 = rater+item (PCM, group anchoring items at 0)
Example: Guilford-extended-rater.txt with Model = ?,?, ?,#, R
Elliott, M. (2023). RaschPy.
Elliott, M., & Buttery, P. J. (2022a). Extended rater representations in the many-facet Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 22 (1), 133–160.
Help for Facets (64-bit) Rasch Measurement and Rasch Analysis Software: www.winsteps.com Author: John Michael Linacre.