Labels of facets and elements = (required) |
This is for 32-bit Facets 3.87. Here is Help for 64-bit Facets 4
This specification names each facet and follows it by a list of the element numbers and labels (names) to be included in the analysis.
Labels = (Nobuild) |
Facet number , |
Facet label or name, |
Anchoring, (A,D,G,X) |
Estimation priority |
Element label or name, |
Measure, starting value, anchor value or group-anchor value |
Group number, for group-reporting or group-anchoring |
defaults to 1.0 |
Target element number for merged elements: observations in the data with the Element number are assigned to the Target element number. Example: 1= , , , , 2 so that 1's become 2's in the data for this facet |
* |
1. Labels = (or if Labels= is omitted)
Facets adds to Output Table 2 a list of the elements in the data that are not specified in Labels=.
These can be copy-and-pasted into your specification file.
Specify Labels=Nobuild to omit the list of elements not specified in Labels= from Table 2.
2. Facet Identification
2A. Facet numbers
Choose the order you prefer to think about your facets, and number them in that order. The number you assign to each facet will determine the order in which the facets are reported.
If your facets are persons, judges and items, you may choose:
Facet 1: judges
Facet 2: persons
Facet 3: items
2B. Facet Anchoring
Choose the order you prefer to think about your facets, and number them in that order. The number you assign to each facet will determine the order in which the facets are reported.
If your facets are persons, judges and items, you may choose:
Facet 1: judges
Facet 2: persons
Facet 3: items
Facet Anchor/Group code |
Element Specification |
Description |
(None) |
Element number = (label), (value), Group number |
Group number is used for reporting groups of elements in Table 7 |
Element number = (label), Value, (group number) |
Element measure is anchored at Value. Groups reported if there is a group number. |
D |
Element number = (label), (value), (group number) |
Element measure is anchored at Umean= value. Groups reported if there is a group number. |
Element number = (label), Value, Group number |
Each element measure is measured independently but the sum of the measures of the group of elements are constrained to equal the sum of their Values. |
X |
Element number = (label), Value, Group number |
The same as G, but elements with extreme scores (zero, perfect) are excluded. |
...N |
Element number = (label), (value), (group number) |
This suppresses group reporting for a facet in Table 7. Groups are ignored for measure reporting. Labels= 2=Persons,GN ; group-anchoring wanted, but Table 7 does not report measures for each group separately 1=Ben,0,1 ; Ben is in group 1 2=Mike,0,2 ; Mike is in group 2 ...... |
Valid Numerical Ranges |
Facets |
1 - 255 |
Any number in the range is valid. They do not need to start at 0 or 1, nor do they need to be in sequence. |
Elements |
Element numbers are in the range 1 - 2,147,438,648
Element 0 is usually the null element number, meaning "this facet does not apply to this observation." Element 0 can be used as an element number, provided Null element= is used to change the null element number from 0 to another number. |
Group numbers |
0-255 0 means "no group" |
Observations |
0-255 (can be rescored with Rating scale=) |
2C. Estimation priority - Ignore this for most analyses.
This allows the measures for the elements of some facets to be estimated before the elements of other facets. For instance, facets modeling interaction terms can be estimated after their main effects have been estimated.
Priority 0: do not estimate the measures. This is equivalent to anchoring (A or D).
Priority 1: estimate the measures (the default)
Priority 2: estimate the measures after the Priority 1 measures have been estimated.
Priority 3: estimate after Priority 1 and 2.
Priority 4 and higher: estimate after higher priority measures have been estimated.
3. Element Identification
See Elements.
Help for Facets Rasch Measurement and Rasch Analysis Software: Author: John Michael Linacre.
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Forum: | Rasch Measurement Forum to discuss any Rasch-related topic |
Questions, Suggestions? Want to update Winsteps or Facets? Please email Mike Linacre, author of Winsteps |
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Coming Rasch-related Events | |
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. | International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO, |
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets), |
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
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