Scores: Ratings of Scientists (Psychometric Methods p.282 Guilford 1954) 6/26/2023 8:07:40 PM

T.Score T.Count Obs.Avge FairMAvge Measure S.E. InfitMS InfitZ OutfitMS OutfitZ PtMea PtMeExp Discrim Displace Status Group Weight Sign InfChiSqu Infitdf InfPr2s OutfChiSqu Outfitdf OutfPr2s 2 Junior Scientists F-Number F-Label
57.0015.003.805. Scientists
65.0015.004.336. Scientists
52.0015.003.475.47-.02.121.661.801.681.83-.09.15.53-.42-101.00131.2818.89.072331.1718.57.06693Chris2Junior Scientists
45.0015.003.005.03-.11.111.401.331.401. Scientists
56.0015.003.735. Scientists
42.0015.002.804.81-. Scientists
58.0015.003.875. Scientists

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